Homeopathy is a therapeutic method that consists of giving the patient, as medicine, and at very low doses, the substance that would cause the same symptoms (or a similar disease) in a healthy subject at high doses.
SAMUEL HAHNEMANNHomeopathy is a therapeutic method developed and developed by a German doctor Samuel Christian Friederich Hahnemann, who was born in Dressen (Saxony, Germany) in 1755. Although he came from a humble family, he studied chemistry and medicine at the Universities of Leipzig , Erlangen and Vienna. He paid for his university studies by translating texts, since he was fluent in several languages, including Greek and Latin.
Samuel Hahnemann em>
Hahnemann, who was a great connoisseur of chemistry, botany, and mineralogy, had the idea of testing cinchona bark on himself, a product used to treat tertiary and fourth fevers. After a few days a fever appeared, which he subsided when he stopped taking the cinchona bark. P>
Cinchona bark< /em>
He repeated this in other people, verifying that the cinchona bark actually caused fever in healthy people. Observing this fact, he thought that perhaps the cinchona bark was capable of curing fever because it itself was capable of causing it. P>
Based on the hypothesis that a substance is capable of curing a disease if it itself is capable of causing it in a healthy person, he wanted to check if this also happened with other substances, so he began an "experimentation" project, which consisted of administering the medicinal substances that were used at that time such as Belladonna, Digitalis, Aconite, Arsenic, Phosphorus, etc., to healthy people and collecting all the symptoms and signs that appeared.
Belladonna, Digitalis, Aconite, Arsenic, Phosphorus
Hahnemann experimented on himself 61 substances and verified that the experiments, contrary to what he believed, made the organism more apt to repel all natural or artificial morbid causes. Health was more solid in him, and his body was more robust.
Hahnemann was forced to change his residence on numerous occasions, which forced him to live in various countries, until he finally arrived in Paris on June 25, 1835, where he was received with extraordinary pomp, but the interests of allopaths they felt harmed by the presence of the wise man in the capital of France.
< em>Hahnemann's house in Paris at 1 Milan street
Hahnemann by ministerial decree of October 12, 1835, obtained the authorization to practice medicine in France, until at 5 o'clock in the morning of July 2, 1843, at the age of 88, the authorization expired. life of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Medicine's greatest reforming genius.
WHAT CAN BE TREATED WITH HOMEOPATHY?The homeopathic field of action is much broader than people think. Common pathologies of all organs, acute and chronic diseases, a large number of serious illnesses, emotional and behavioral disorders, psychosomatic problems and even various psychiatric illnesses are treated.
Homeopathic medicines may be indicated in many acute and chronic diseases. In an acute illness such as flu, or gastroenteritis, the homeopathic doctor chooses the homeopathic medicine, taking into account the signs and symptoms that the patient experiences from the beginning of his illness, and that is the medicine or medicines that he is going to administer. to the patient, which will allow a very fast global restitution of his pathological process.
In the case of a chronic disease such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, or chronic gastroenteritis, the homeopathic doctor, in addition to the clinical symptoms of the disease, will take into account other signs the patient's general history, he will highly value the pathological background of that person, his constitution, his way of being, his character, his attitude towards life, etc... and all this information allows the homeopathic doctor to identify the homeopathic medicine or medicines that that person is going to need for his healing. Homeopathic treatment makes the repetitive episodes of this chronic disease spaced out until they disappear.
HOMEOPATHY TREATS THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASEHomeopathy always treats, in the first place, the cause of the disease, and not its manifestations in the body. Allopathic medicine treats the patient's symptoms by suppressing, eliminating or masking them, in such a way that on many occasions when treatment is discontinued, the symptoms reappear, since the cause of the symptoms has not been treated.
HOMEOPATHY PERSONALIZES THE TREATMENTHomeopathy proposes an individual approach to the disease that the patient presents. It is not only interested in the diagnosis, but takes into account each and every one of the aspects in which it manifests itself. Human beings are unique and unrepeatable and, in the same way, diseases present us with very important individual differences. The same specific condition that affects 2 different people can present with very different effects.