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Light has great revitalizing and healing power as demonstrated by chromopuncture, a technique based on traditional Chinese acupuncture that stimulates energy pathways thanks to small light sources.

Light is the first and main source of energy that exists in the universe. Going from darkness to light is like going from death to life. The word "light" is synonymous with physical and spiritual healing. The entire creation is governed by a universal duality. Light and darkness, day and night, heat and cold, birth and death,..., all events in the universe are subjected to this duality, from the metabolism of our cells to the binary functioning of computers. The ancient Chinese called it the Yang and Yin.

An ancient therapy

Throughout history, many cultures have used light as a means of healing. In ancient Persia, the cult of light (based on the vibrations of colors) known by the name of Ahura Mazda was used; also in Egypt, at the time of Heliopolis (temple of light dedicated to the sun) the wise healed with the help of precious stones used as lenses that filtered sunlight; In India, this therapy has always existed, especially through the Parsis, doctors from Persia who were in charge of transmitting this tradition. Hippocrates, the great physician of classical antiquity and father of Western medicine, was an enthusiast of heliotherapy, which he recommended as a particularly effective healing method.

But, it is without a doubt in China, before Sumerian times, where the first forms of symbolism of the colors associated with the new needs of men occur, and where the authentic bases of what today in day is called chromopuncture. Already in this century the Danish doctor Niels Finsen, the founder of modern phototherapy -healing by light-, won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1903, for his research work on light and color, in the treatment of diseases . And in 1904 Rollier followed with his work on phototherapy.


A technique based on traditional Chinese acupuncture, through which the body's energy pathways are stimulated thanks to small colored light bulbs. In modern language it would be the action of photons (particles that form light) on cations (electropositive of a molecule) contained in the organic electrolytic solution, especially in the mesenchyme or matrix of the cell. The human body contains a large amount of metallic substances in the form of microscopic particles such as iron, aluminum, copper, lead, etc., which are found in our organic fluids such as blood or the fluid that surrounds cells. When light, thanks to the particles that compose it, that is, photons, collides with these metals, a physical effect called photoelectric is produced. This phenomenon produces a certain energy that depends on the wavelength, that is, the color of said light. And it is this energy that is transmitted through the energetic "meridians" that allow the maintenance of all bodily functions.


The mechanism of action was discovered by the German scientist Popp, who verified that intercellular transmissions in the nervous system are carried out through photonic stimuli, that is, thanks to light. The human being is a system in permanent flow and reflux of information that constantly tries to maintain balance. This means that we are basically a system in a permanent information process, both physical and emotional sensations. When said "information" is not assimilated by our body, the balance is broken. Healing consists of "reprogramming" making the most appropriate light reach the body's energy circuits. In each cell of the body there are numerous exchange processes between the inside and the outside of it, and the same thing happens on a larger scale in each one of us: we introduce information, for example in the form of food, and we restore other information in the form of waste. organic. But inside the cell there are numerous cations that are constantly moving with each other, and these collisions produce a superadded kinetics, that is, they accelerate the process even more, and collisions are produced from which photons, that is, light, are released.< /p>


The human eye can distinguish 169 shades of colors and by mixing them together, we can obtain an endless variety. However, according to Goethe, there are only three primary colors: red, yellow and blue, since all the others arise from them. By mixing yellow and blue, you get green; with red and yellow you get orange; with red and blue you get violet. In this way, a complementary model is obtained, the positive/negative relationship of the colors: yellow/violet, orange/blue and red/green.

YANG Colors (Primary): Yellow, orange and red.

YIN Colors (Complementary): Violet, blue and green.

In fact, whenever a treatment is applied, regardless of the complementary vibration, the three basic colors are being used. For example, if I deal with red/green, ..eye is a basic color and green is made up of yellow and blue, so I already have the basic three.

The color red

Red has been called the "Great Energizer", the "Father of Vitality", for its immense elemental effect on the physical constitution of man. The color red is said to make lazy people work as it stimulates physical action to overcome inertia or contraction. Under its action the hemoglobin corpuscles multiply in the blood and, with the increase of energy released, the temperature of the body rises, the circulation is extended and invigorated, dispersing laxity and mucus-producing diseases, such as chronic colds.

What diseases can it treat?

Circulatory disorders, anemia, physical weakness, laxity, colds, paralysis, etc. • Red is the color of the heart, lungs and muscles, suitable for the treatment of non-oozing wounds and inflammations, as well as diseases of the skin, chronic cough, asthma, laryngeal problems, anemia, wet eczema and frostbite.

Psychic effects: Strengthens will and courage • Loosens and unties the tongue • Has a joyful and exciting effect • It is stimulating and arouses passion.

The color green

Green makes everything fluid, relaxing. Eliminates toxic substances and poisons produced by the body. Along with red, which is its complementary color, it is also important for bones. This means that it is the color for joint pain and all kinds of inflammations.

What diseases can it treat?

Heart problems, blood pressure disturbances, headaches, neuralgia • It is indicated for bronchial catarrh, whooping cough and joint inflammations (alternating with blue in more recent cases) • It is indicated for eye diseases and diabetes .

Psychic effects: It has a balanced, sedative, calming and relaxing effect • Light green increases intellectual faculties, strengthens the nerves and has a calming and relaxing effect on the body in general.< /p>

The color orange

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow and symbolizes the rising sun, the dawn, the dawn. Giving orange color implies letting go, relaxing, abandoning. That is why it is the most important color for depression. Sleepy people should wear glasses with orange lenses for a quarter of an hour every morning. Blood pressure will also rise.

What diseases can it treat?

Chronic asthma, phlegmatic fever, wet cough, gout, chronic rheumatism, inflammation of the kidneys, gallbladder stones, interruption of menstruation, rheumatic fever • The color orange is attributed to specifically cardiac therapies, arteriosclerosis, prolapse, chronic asthma, gallstones.

Psychic effects: Releases mental and bodily functions • Remedies depressions • Induces tolerance and strengthens the will • The mixture of red and yellow gives joy and happiness • Increases appetite, and can be used in case of excessive weight loss and anemia • Increases the sense of ambition and spirit • Gives strength to people who are not too inclined to work.

The color blue

It is a very important color to calm people, since it is a cold color that produces peace and sleep. It is said of him that he has anti-bacterial qualities. For example, when a dentist removes a tooth that is infected with pus, if after the extraction the wound is irradiated with a blue light for 10 or 15 minutes, inflammation will not appear.

What diseases can it treat?

Throat problems, laryngitis, mumps, hoarseness; dentition; fever, cholera, chickenpox, measles, thrush, stroke, hysteria, palpitations, spasms; acute rheumatism; vomiting, dysentery, diarrhea, jaundice, colic; intestinal inflammation, inflamed eyes, bites, toothache; headache, nervous disorders, insomnia, painful menstruation, etc.

Psychic effects: It is the color of peace and infinity • Has a relaxing effect • Soothes and calms hyperactive children.

The color yellow

Symbolizes the sun at its zenith, and is one of the warm colors. Yellow symbolizes speed, agility, the left brain. Therefore, it is used in children with learning disabilities, dyslexic children. In medicine it is very useful for everything related to the lymph, with toxicity, the intestine, the gallbladder and the liver.

The color orange

What diseases can it treat?

Stomach problems, indigestion, constipation, flatulence, liver problems, diabetes, hemorrhoids, eczema, skin problems Facilitates digestion, strengthens the nerves, stimulates the stomach and has the effect of cheering.

Psychic effects: Facilitates children's learning and understanding, and has a favorable influence on the intellect. The combination of yellow and orange increases both willpower and intellectual faculties, as well as encouragement and happiness.

The color purple

It is a color with a short vibration and it is a mystical color, especially important in meditation, inspiration and intuition. Medically it is used for lymph (complementary to yellow). It is a spleen tonic, very important for women with menopause. When the spleen is stimulated, gonadotropin is also stimulated, a pituitary hormone, very important in the genital area.

What diseases can it treat?

Nervous and mental disorders; neurosis, neuralgia, sciatica and scalp diseases. • Remedies epilepsy, meningitis, shock, cramps, rheumatism, tumors, kidney and bladder weakness. • Purifies intoxicated blood. • Treats shock, insomnia, insanity, sciatica, dandruff, scurvy, cataracts, diuresis, and leucorrhea.

Psychic effects: Stimulates intuition and inspiration • Bluish or dark violet acts on the unconscious, strengthens spirituality and consciousness. Increases the effects of all types of meditation.

A color for each temperament

The melancholic person is impassive, imperturbable, serious, reserved, with little energy, and will tend to suffer from emotional disturbances. He is sweet and helpful, but also sensitive. People who are continually surrounded by an air of pessimism, of despondency, are normally melancholic. Its color is blue and the effect of this color on people can be compared to the characteristics of the melancholic temperament. But these people should be treated with the opposite color, that is, red.

The choleric person , like the color red, which suggests activity and agitation, is excitable, stuffy, self-sufficient, and always on the go. He never rests, and his spirit and courage of him are as proverbial as his anguish and belligerence of him. Like red, which is a hot color, the choleric person is hot-blooded. They should be treated with the color blue.

The person with a sanguine temperament can be related to the color yellow. The sanguine is the personification of light, joy, optimism. And generally, he has a positive point of view. Yellow is the color attributed to the sun at its zenith in summer (on the circle of the color spectrum). His treatment color is green.

The phlegmatic person, marked by indolence and indifference, has a materialistic nature that defines them as earthy, cold-blooded, and realistic. She is not particularly interested in intellectual and spiritual matters, and when she is, it is only because she can get some benefit from the process. Dark green is the color of the phlegmatic character, a color that symbolizes autumn, the disappearance of heat, and the diminution of light in the afternoon hours. These people are treated with the color yellow.

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